The Journey Begins…

People weave in and out of our lives for many reasons. S0me stay and travel the trail for a long time while others barely make their presence known. All leave an impression. Sometimes we are too busy to notice the magic that other souls leave in our path. However, when we pay attention and look around we just might find a sign that is left just for us. We can follow the new path and take a chance or we can ignore the sign and continue the journey we know so well. Neither choice is right or wrong but sometimes a leap of faith can fill your heart with excitement. I love new. I love different. I love change. I love to follow the signs. I have always loved the written word and learning to read and write was the most magical experience of my life. So this is for Jude and Samantha. Two lovelies who touched my life and spread some magic that pointed me down this new path. One says I make her think and one thinks I am funny. Here is hoping they continue to feel this way.


Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton

4 thoughts on “The Journey Begins…

  1. If I am the Jude you mentioned then I will confirm that you still make me “think” which is a great thing…….. but I also find your humor wonderful…….keep blogging baby!


  2. I have always thought of writing as such a private activity, although I have always thought that I would like people to read what I have written. Funny.
    Our Dad once told me that when he decided to put his life story down on paper, he took one element of his life, one individual event, and wrote that. Eventually all of those elements would be gathered together and somehow combined in chronological order. Brilliant. I cannot begin to count how many times I decided to do that same thing, and still only begin half heartedly.
    I think your Blog might just be the thing that motivates me to finally write things down. Stories of my life, events, whatever. I hope it does. Thanks for these stories little sister.


    1. That is your ADD coming through. You’ll notice I write sporadically. I have many handwritten journals in the closets but blogging is a way to one day keep me alive in the Grands lives. Start writing. Even if it is now and again it is very cleansing. Preserve your memories for your kids. And the Grands.


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